Scottish Church
History Society
Scottish Church History is the journal of the Scottish Church History Society. The Scottish Church History Society is one of the oldest ecclesiastical history societies in Britain, established in 1922. The society was founded to promote the study of all branches of the history of Christianity in Scotland and the journal has been published since 1923. Originally volumes comprised printed versions of the papers delivered at society meetings, but now all articles undergo rigorous peer review. Publishing on all aspects of Scottish religious history, Scottish Church History aims to continue its reputation as the preeminent journal in this field. The editorial board has long represented eminent historians of Scottish religion including A.C. Cheyne, James Kirk, John McCaffrey, Donald Withrington, Donald Meek, Margaret Sanderson, John Durkan David Wright, Gavin White, Alex Murdoch, Stewart J. Brown, Jane Dawson and David Bebbington. The journal has published numerous seminal articles and has been the principal forum for the presentation of Scottish church history since its inception. In 2013 the journal introduced a standardised peer-review system and has applied this strictly. The journal is an established, robust, academic journal with a global distribution network. In 2019 Edinburgh University Press acquired the journal to increase its academic reputation and online presence, as well as its geographical and historical remit. It now publishes two issues a year.
Potential contributors to Scottish Church History can obtain further information on style and presentation of articles at www.euppublishing.com/page/sch/submissions