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President’s Welcome

The Scottish Church History Society exists to advance our understanding of the history of Christianity in Scotland. It is concerned with all periods of the Scottish past from the earliest days of the Christian presence through the middle ages and Reformation to the modern period and recent experience of the faith.

President’s Welcome

The Scottish Church History Society exists to advance our understanding of the history of Christianity in Scotland. It is concerned with all periods of the Scottish past from the earliest days of the Christian presence through the middle ages and Reformation to the modern period and recent experience of the faith. The Society’s concerns encompass all the Christian denominations that have played a part in Scottish history and also embrace the role of Scottish people and ideas in church history elsewhere. It holds conferences on themes that fall within this broad field and publishes the journal Scottish Church History.


The Society welcomes to its meetings all who have an interest in Scottish Christianity. There are two regular day conferences each year, one focused on a particular theme and the other open to contributions on any topic. Those who wish to enlarge their knowledge of the churches where they worship and those who have an academic interest in topics related to the Christian faith will find that many of the papers, whether delivered as lectures or printed in the journal, add depth to their understanding. Those who do exploration in the field, whether amateurs, postgraduates or established scholars, can use the Society as a forum where they can explain the outcome of their researches. The Society offers an annual essay prize for postgraduates or those who have recently completed postgraduate research. The Council of the Society hopes that all these groups will continue to find the organisation an appreciative place where they can enjoy discovering more about the Christian past in Scotland.


David Bebbington


Emeritus Professor of History, University of Stirling

President of the Scottish Church History Society

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