Scottish Church
History Society
Essay Prize
The Scottish Church History Prize recognises exceptional PhD research
and scholarship in the field of Scottish church history.
Scottish Church History Prize
Scottish Church History Prize 2023 Winner: Nicole Cumming
The Scottish Church History Society is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2023 Scottish Church History Prize is Nicole Cumming with her article entitled '"Whether or not there be any difference between men and beasts?": Animals, dominion, and natural law in post-Reformation Scotland'. Ms Cumming was awarded a prize of £500 at the Spring Conference, March 23rd 2024.
Stewart J. Brown (Honorary President), Nicole Cumming and David Bebbington
The committee would like to thank all of those who submitted entries for the 2023 Prize.
Previous Winners
2022: Xiang Wei, ‘The Realities of Toleration: Army Chaplaincy, Religious Politics, and Scottish Military Experience, c.1690-1763’
2020: Nathan Hood, 'An Instrument of Conversion: James Melville’s Musical Catechism'
2019: Clare Loughlin, 'The Church of Scotland and the ‘increase of popery’, c.1690–1714'